Logistics Readiness Center (LRC) - Belvoir : Divisions : Supply & Services : CIF StoreFront - Ft Belvoir
Central Issue Facility (CIF) StoreFront

9925 Tracy Loop, Bldg. 767, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

Please enter through the gate on the right side of the building on Tracy Loop.
The entrance to the CIF StoreFront is located in the rear of the building next to the oversized mannequins standing by the entrance door.

For Scheduling CIF StoreFront appointments for DX, ETS and Retirement turn-ins, please submit your requests to the following email address:

(Copy and paste email address)

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) DX / ETS / Retirements / Chapters for Out-Processing
  • On-line Direct Ordering (ODO) customers will out-process through their Unit Supply.
  • All Fort Belvoir StoreFront services are conducted by Appointment Only.
  • Soldiers must be in Uniform and present a valid CAC along with Orders or memorandum from the Commander, CSM or First Sergeant at the time of service.
  • Contact the CIF StoreFront email immediately upon receiving PCS Orders.  CIF StoreFront email:  usarmy.belvoir.usamc.mbx.ocie-fb@army.mil   (Copy and Paste link)
  • Soldiers PCS'ing must clear the CIF StoreFront before shipping to their next duty station. Service members must check their online clothing record at https://ism.army.mil/ism/SelfServiceServlet?nav.nav_id=ssMyClothing (copy and paste link) before shipping OCIE. Any items with an "N" under the PCS column MUST be set aside for turn-in. Those items SHOULD NOT be packed with your household goods shipment. Failure to turn-in those items identified on your records will result in the service member being held financially liable and a statement of charges will be initiated.
  • CIF StoreFront staff cannot clear service members with PCS "N" items remaining on their clothing record.  There is no exception to policy.
  • CIF StoreFront issues the Army Maternity Utility Uniform (MUU) by appointment only.
Soldiers must be in Uniform and present a valid Common Access Card (CAC) along with Orders at the time of service.
  • Equipment must be CLEAN and DRY (Dirty, Soiled and/or Wet gear will not be accepted).
  • All tags (Name, rank, flight tags and/or personal tags) must be removed from all equipment.
  • All markings and writing must be removed from equipment (Spray paint duffel bags with OD green color paint only).
  • Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) must have all components attached and be clean.
  • Rucksack must be assembled.
  • Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) must have cover, chin strap and pads removed and cleaned.
  • Flight Load Carrier (FLC) / Tactical Assault Panel (TAP) must have all pouches removed.

Out Processing Must be in Duty Uniform and must provide the following:
  • Installation Clearing Papers
  • CAC
  • Copy of ETS / Retirement Orders

CIF StoreFront Out Processing Procedures
  • All personnel may access their clothing records via the Installation Support Module (ISM) website prior to arriving to StoreFront (-):
    • ISM website:  https://ism.army.mil/ism/SelfServiceServlet?nav.nav_id=ssMyClothing     (Copy and Paste link)
  • Soldiers having issues opening their OCIE record from ISM website must send their complete name, rank, DoD ID number (located in the back of CAC) and unit's UIC to the CIF StoreFront email address.
    • CIF StoreFront email address:  usarmy.belvoir.usamc.mbx.ocie-fb@army.mil   (Copy and Paste link)
  • Commander or designee WILL ensure a 100% OCIE inventory is conducted to ensure the adjustment document is completed for ALL missing, lost, or damaged OCIE prior to the Soldier arrival at the StoreFront.
    • The Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL) and Statement of Charges are generated by the StoreFront.
  • All OCIE will be cleaned prior to individual arriving to StoreFront.
    • All items with a letter "N" on the clothing records must be turned into the StoreFront during Ending Time of Service (ETS), Retirement and Chapters, regardless of the location of the StoreFront where it was issued.
    • Protective mask and Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) gear on the OCIE record must be turned in to the StoreFront.


Personnel requiring OCIE for school attendance will request through their unit Online Direct Ordering (ODO) program. 
  • This StoreFront is authorized to maintain 13% of stock for DX purposes only.
  • Personnel deploying requiring specialized equipment will contact the TACOM Central Management Office (CMO) for assistance.
  • Per Department of the Army G-4 and TACOM CMO, DA Civilians and Contractors on deployment orders must contact Fort Bliss CONUS Replacement Center (CRC) or Camp Atterbury for all OCIE requests.
  • Per HQDA G-4 and TACOM CMO directive, any specialized items required by units that are not stocked by the CIF StoreFront (to include concealable body armor, hand cuffs, batons, combat boots, etc..) will be procured with unit funding.  Contractors returning equipment must turn-in all issued items to the facility from where they received or were issued equipment.

Maternity Utility Uniform (MUU) Process

  • A doctor at the local Military Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) must confirm pregnancy status and update medical records with a pregnancy profile.
  • The commander, who will have access to the updated medical records, will provide a signed memorandum authorizing the issuing and wearing of the MUU.  (Click here to view a sample memorandum).
  • After making an appointment with the CIF StoreFront, take the signed memorandum and doctor certification to the CIF StoreFront.
    • Expectant mothers are authorized three sets of uniforms for Active-Duty Soldiers and two sets for National Guard and Reserve Soldiers, as per CTA 50-900.
    • Sizes of the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) and the MUU may not be the same.  If the correct size is not available, the CIF StoreFront will order it and schedule a follow-up appointment for pick-up.
    • Units with OCIE Direct Ordering (ODO) can order the MUU and have it shipped to the unit.
    • If at any time, the MUU size no longer fits properly, Soldiers may contact the CIF/StoreFront or ODO coordinator for a new size.
  • Post pregnancy, return the MUUs to the CIF/StoreFront or through the ODO process within 90 days of returning to duty to ensure the items are removed from the Soldiers clothing record.

We encourage our customers to evaluate our customer service.

Please take time to complete the INTERACTIVE CUSTOMER EVALUATION (ICE) Form.
(These forms are available at the CIF StoreFront office)